Saturday, November 3, 2007

Board Meeting Minutes, November 1st, 2007

The meeting was called to order at 7am.
Present: Dee O'Neill, Kay Green, Joan LeMieux, Ilona Kerby, Jean Bruner, Lori Sarancik

We have added two new members who have joined through the National League Website. Lori will send them some information and invite them to our meetings. Also, a community member would like to volunteer to help with some projects for the League.

Discussion about the candidate forums that took place this year. We have plans to suggest something new for next year. Lori to follow up with the Chamber president to see if there is interest in a new format that has been used in other Leagues in the State.

Revitalization Plans First step is to send out a survey to the members of the League. We will use the mailing list from the National Web site to capture members of the past who might give us some suggestions on rebuilding the League. This will be a first step in our plan. We will have the survey prepared for the next board meeting. Mail it out and by the January board meeting we will take the information gathered in the survey and schedule a general membership meeting. Input was given on the questions for the survey. Lori will prepare a document and email it to the board members (snail mail to Jean) before November 15th. Board members can give further comments on the survey before it goes out in the mail. We will utilize the help of our new volunteer in order to get the info out in the mail.

Next Board Meeting is December 6th, 2007

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