Thursday, January 3, 2008



AS OF 1/3/08

JANUARY: 1/3/08 Board Meeting

Finalize Survey

Mail Survey

Keep track of the returned surveys

Meet with Chamber about Forums this year

FEBRUARY 2/7/08 Board Meeting

Formation of Committees for the activities of the year

Review Survey results / call on those who did not respond

Schedule General Meeting to discuss survey results and plans

Publish Date and Time of Meeting to members – email

and regular mail

Publish Date and Time of Meeting to Community

MARCH 3/6/08 Board Meeting

General Meeting Preparation

General Meeting Personal Invitations by phone

Newspaper again

Conduct General Meeting

APRIL 4/3/08 Board Meeting

Preparation for Annual Meeting

Discuss Components of meeting, date, location, etc

MAY 5/1/08 Board Meeting

Mail out dues statements

JUNE 6/5/08 Board Meeting

Annual Meeting for LWV Cowlitz County

LWV National Convention in Portland Oregon

JULY 7/3/08 Board Meeting

Last 2 weeks of month – taping for Primary Forum

AUGUST 8/7/08 Board Meeting

8/3/08 Ballots Mailed for Primary

8/21/08 Primary

SEPTEMBER 9/4/08 Board Meeting

OCTOBER 10/2/08 Board Meeting

Between 10/1 and 10/20 Forum for General Election

10/19/08 Ballots Mailed for General Election

NOVEMBER 11/6/08 Board Meeting

11/6/08 General Election

DECEMBER 12/4/08 Board Meeting

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