Thursday, January 3, 2008

Here are the 2008 Legislative Priorities for LWVWA



Strengthening Democracy
LWVWA will strengthen democracy in Washington by:
working to pass local option campaign finance legislation,
working to pass adequate funding for Civics Education and testing.

Priorities for a Healthy Washington
LWVWA will protect Washington's natural environment:
Implement global warming pollution reduction goals (SB 6001-2007),
Encourage responsible land use planning that reduces emissions of global warming gases,
Create programs that protect and promote trees and urban forests,
Promote programs that provide locally grown produce from small and mid-size farms for schools and food banks.

Improving Access to Health Care
LWVWA will work to improve access to health care in Washington by supporting legislation that:
provides full implementation of Cover All Kids (SB 5093),
funds premium assistance for the Health Insurance Partnership,
provides coverage for low income 19-25 year olds,
funds an analysis and comparison of the costs to be borne by individuals, business, and government of 3-4 models of health care delivery,
funds home visits for Pierce County low income children with asthma.

Improving Education and Early Learning
LWVWA will work for improved education and early learning in Washington by supporting:
a plan to amply fund basic education,
policies and programs that promote the well-being and safety of all children, professional development of child care staff with adequate compensation,

Protecting Human Health and the Natural Environment
Prevent hazardous wastes, including radioactive, from being deposited at any site until that site has been cleaned up,
Protect children from harm due to unsafe toys and child products.

Working for a Better Washington
The League will continue to work for a better Washington by supporting
policy solutions that guarantee reproductive choice,
provide adequate regulation of handguns,
provide sustainable transportation infrastructure improvement and development,
and move toward a fairer, more balanced system of taxation.

League of Women Voters of Washington
4710 University Way NE, #214
Seattle, WA 98105,

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